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He died 2000

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Q: What happened to Bailey Johnson Jr--Maya Angelou's brother?
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Related questions

What are the names of Maya Angelous parents?

Bailey Johnson and Vivian Baxter Johnsoon

Who is Maya angelous mom and dad?

Maya Angelou's mother was Vivian Baxter Johnson, and her father was Bailey Johnson.

How many silbilings does Maya Angelou have?

A brother named Bailey Johnson Jr. after his father Bailey Johnson Sr.

What was Maya Angelou's brother's name?

Maya Angelou's brother's name was Bailey Johnson Jr.

Who is Maya Angelou's brother?

maya angelou's brother was Bailey Jr. Johnson.

Was Maya Angelou a only child?

No she is not the only child she had a brother named Bailey Johnson

Is Maya Angelou's brother Bailey Johnson still alive?

no. he is not dead

How tall is Bailey Johnson?

Johnson Bailey is 6' 1".

Who was Maya angelous mother and father?

I'm not sure what you mean, but here are several possible answers:Maya's mother lived in St. Louis when Maya went to live with her at 7Maya's father lived in California when she was a teenagerMaya's paternal grandmother lived in Stamps, Arkansas

What is Maya Angelou's parent's names?

Her parents were Bailey Johnson and Vivian Baxter Johnson. Her name was originally Marguerite Ann Johnson.

When was Bailey Jay born?

His birth place was at: Louis Missouri and He was born on that year on 1927 and he was born on that months of August 15th but he had a better childhood and he was excited to be a big brother and his little sister was born and he loved his li sister so much right now

Who was Maya Angelou's relatives?

one is named is mom named Vivian Baxter Johnson and brother named Bailey