Iroh (From Avatar: the Last Airbender, a'course) was taken prisoner by Azula after Zuko's betrayal. During the solar eclipse (and the invasion), Zuko stormed into the prison in which Iroh was being held with every intention of rescuing him. However, Iroh had already broken himself out, "Like a one man army."
after the invasion he went to Ba Sing Se with the Order of the White lotus to reclaim the city
Iroh- AKA General Iroh or the Dragon of the West, is the uncle of Fire Prince Zuko and older brother of Fire Lord Ozai on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Iroh is the old, wise, sage figure of Avatar, who is often kind and peaceful, but holds a great deal of power which he will use if provoked. (Compare him to Yoda of Star Wars or maybe Gandalf of Lord of the Rings.) He is a kindly old man who loves the game of Pai Sho and tea (but especially tea). He has been traveling with Zuko during his banishment, training him in the art of firebending and, in season two, tries to convince Zuko to leave behind his obsession with capturing the Avatar and instead try to help him. In the Season two finale, Zuko betrays Iroh, and through the first half of Season three Iroh is a prisoner of the Fire Nation. However, Iroh frees himself so that he can gather the members of the Order of the White Lotus together in Ba Sing Se to free the city from the Fire Nation.
no iroh is still alive
Zuko's paternal grandfather is the late Firelord Azulon.
Sozin's Comet
The man who voiced Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender unfortunately died of natural causes after the series was completed. Which really sucks because he was super mega awesome at everything. Including singing.
Avatar Wiki has his age as 64 in the series, but I don't know where they got that number from. It is probably safe to say that he is in his 60-70s.
Iroh is very much stronger than Ozai. Iroh can breath fire from his mouth making him titled as the Dragon of the West.And as we all know, Iroh has been judged by the great masters of firebending while Ozai hasn't. Iroh busted himself out of prison. And for such reasons, Iroh is stronger than Ozai.
Zuko's paternal grandfather is the late Firelord Azulon.
Uncle iroh
Sozin's Comet
Yes, Iroh's son, Lu Ten, is dead. he died in the war. :,(
well as soon as he gets captured and is in jail you see through out a few episodes in book 3 that he is working out preparing to escape which he does during the eclipse
Iroh Iroh
In The Last Airbender, Uncle Iroh is played by Shaun Toub, an Iranian-born actor. Toub is known for his performances as Farhad in 2004's Crash and Yinsen in 2008's Iron Man.
The man who voiced Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender unfortunately died of natural causes after the series was completed. Which really sucks because he was super mega awesome at everything. Including singing.
Avatar Wiki has his age as 64 in the series, but I don't know where they got that number from. It is probably safe to say that he is in his 60-70s.
Iroh is very much stronger than Ozai. Iroh can breath fire from his mouth making him titled as the Dragon of the West.And as we all know, Iroh has been judged by the great masters of firebending while Ozai hasn't. Iroh busted himself out of prison. And for such reasons, Iroh is stronger than Ozai.
Probably Iroh.
he died in Iroh's 100 day battle on Ba Sing Se