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than Iron Man would be rubber man he could not be shocked and he would basicly suck

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Q: What if Iron Man was made of rubber?
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Is rubber man made?

Rubber is a natural material derived from the latex of certain plants, such as the rubber tree. However, synthetic rubber is also made in a chemical process using petroleum byproducts. So, rubber can be both man-made and natural.

Why is iron and rubber made for?

because of my itchy anus

How can you describe the iron man's iron fingers?

"the iron man has fingers made of iron".

What is iron made from?

iron man

Are tires man made or natural resource?

Tires are a man made product made from natural resources. Early tires used natural resources from rubber trees, cotton plants, and sulfur. The cotton was spun into fibers that were used embedded in uncured natural rubber to strengthen it and the tire was cured using the sulfur in a process called vulcanization. Modern tires use natural resources from petroleum, iron ore, etc. The iron ore is made into steel which is made into steel fibers that are embedded in uncured synthetic rubber made from petroleum to strengthen it and the tire is cured.

Is iron man made?

No, Iron is a natural element.

In 1970 Bill Bower man created a new rubber sole for nike shoes by pouring rubber into what household item?

Waffle Iron

Who made Iron Man 2?

'Iron Man 2' was directed by Jon Favreau .

Is iron man-made or natural?

Iron ore is a natural mineral this is used by man to make Iron.

Why was Iron Man robot made?

After Iron Man saw a lot of people getting killed he made his own weapon the Iron Man armor

What is the difference between plastic and rubber?

Rubber is a naturally occurring substance from the sap of rubber trees. Plastic is a man made polymer made from oil.

Are there any brands of auto tires out there that use Natural rubber?

There is no such thing as a natural rubber, rubber is man made.