Julie Estelle's birth name is Julie Estelle Gasnier.
Her name in the movie is Kit De Luca her real name is Maya Gallo
Julie Condra's birth name is Julie Michele Condra.
Julie Corgill's birth name is Julie Lisandro.
Julie Ansara's birth name is Julie Karolyne Hoefer.
Silvers real name is tellafy
My name is Julie Sandkuhl.:)
Yes, her real name is Julie Anne Harris, there was already an actress with that name so she changed it to Patsy Palmer which is her mothers name.
" Julie Anne Wadley" is the real name of jewels jade .go to www.facebook.com/lovejewelsjadeits her official page ...u can talk to her there ..;)"Julie Anne Wadley" is the real name of Jewels Jade .
Phil Silvers's birth name is Philip Silver.
Elena Christman
paula Julie Abdul
Julie Bowen
Mary Poppins was played by Julie Andrews.
Julie Estelle's birth name is Julie Estelle Gasnier.
Julie Bowen's birth name is Julie Bowen Luetkemeyer.
Her name in the movie is Kit De Luca her real name is Maya Gallo