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They share the same birthday

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Q: What is common between Harry Potter and jkrowling?
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Related questions

Who is the famous character of the novels of JKRowling?

Harry Potter is the famous character in the novels of JKRowling

What is Harry Potter birthday in jkrowling's fictional series?

Harry Potter's birthday is July 31st

How old was JKRowling when she wrote Harry Potter?


What is the 3rd Harry Potter book series that JKRowling wrote?

The third book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

What are the works of JkRowlling?

JKRowling wrote the HARRY POTTER series.

How old was JKRowling when she started writing Harry Potter?


What character in the Harry Potter books does JKRowling pattern?

Harry, hermione, dumbledore, Draco, ron and lots more

Which year did JKRowling start Harry Potter?

She started writing the series in 1990, and completed it in 2007.

What book did jkrowling write?

Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prizinor of Azcaban, Harry Potter and the Gobket of Fire, Harry Potterr and the Order of the Phoinex, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and The Tales of Beatle and Bard

Where can you read Harry Potter by jkrowling on the computer?

Anywhere if you have it in a file in pdf/txt/html/doc format.

Why is jKRowling's famous?

She is famous because her harry potter books were a big hit in the new york times.

Has JKRowling wrote anything except from Harry Potter?

She has written some corrisponding books to Harry Potter(which you can see by typing in her name on But it is rumored that she may come out with another book! Lets hope so!!