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There was no cow. The cow story was created later by a writer to sell more.

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Q: What is the connection between Laura Secord and a cow?
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Why is Laura secord a hero?

Laura Secord is known for her 20-mile journey on foot to warn the British of an impending attack by American forces in the War of 1812. Although the British commander, James Fitzgibbon, had already heard the same warning from Native scouts Secord has gained renown for her devotion. Stories of her trip, mostly apocryphal, have made their way into Canadian folklore, including the notion that she brought a cow along as an excuse to travel in case stopped by American patrols.

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What is the Difference between eating a male cow and female cow?

There is no difference.

What are the different between a city cow and a farmer cow?

a city cow likes to buy lots of stuff then eat it, were as a farmer cow has sex with his cousin.

What is the difference between cow's and human's circulatory systems?

There are many differences between cow's and human's circulatory systems. The cow system has to work around 4 stomachs for example.

What causes the variation between the breeds of hereford cow and friesian cow?

The genes.

What is forehead of cow?

The forehead of a cow is the part above the eyes and between the ears on the head of a bovine.