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Q: What is the difference between a duke and a grand duke and arch duke?
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What is the difference between a duke and an arch-duke?

A duke holds control over a piece of land, kind of like a sector. An Arch- Duke holds control over a larger piece of land, basically a domain, which is usually made up of sectors.

What is a grand duke?

The title grand duke is used in Western Europe and particularly in Germanic countries for provincial sovereigns. Grand duke is of a protocolary rank below a king but higher than a sovereign duke. Grand duke is also the usual and established translation of grand prince in languages which do not differentiate between princes who are children of a monarch (e.g. German Prinz) and ruling princes (e.g. German Fürst). English and French also use Grand Duke in this way. The title grand duke as translation of grand prince and the proper title grand duke have clearly different meanings and a separate background. Compare with the article grand prince. The territory of a grand duke is referred to as a grand duchy.

When was The Grand Duke created?

The Grand Duke was created in 1896.

Who is the Grand Duke for Luxembourg?

Henri is the Grand Duke for Luxembourg.

Who was Arch Duke Ferdinand?

an old man

Where was Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand from?


Why was Arch Duke Ferdinand important?

because he was

How was Arch Duke Franz killed?

he was shot

How did Arch Duke Ferdinand's assassination effect World War 1?

the assassination of arch duke franz Ferdinand was the main spark to the begining of ww1

What city arch duke ferdinand assassinated?


When did CSS Grand Duke end?

CSS Grand Duke ended in 1863.

How tall is Grand Duke Nicholas?

Grand Duke Nicholas is 6' 6".