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Queen Elizabeth I's father was King Henry VIII, while Anne Boleyn was her mother.

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King Henry VIII

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Q: What is the famous father of Queen Elizabeth the 1 name?
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Which play's title is the name of Queen Elizabeth's father?

The play that is named after Queen Elizabeth's father is Henry VIII. The play was written by William Shakespeare in 1612.

Queen Elizabeth last name?

Queen Elizabeth II did not take the name of her husband, Philip. She retained the last name of her father, George VI, Windsor.

What were Queen Elizabeth I mum and dad called?

During their reign, Queen Elizabeth II's parents were officially called His Majesty King George VI and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. After the king's death, Queen Elizabeth became widely known as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother or affectionately called the ''Queen Mum' so as not to be confused with her daugther Queen Elizabeth II.

What is the famous fathers of Queen Elizabeth the 1 of England name?

Henry VIII

Elizabeth II father's name?

On the coins of UK he is on the previous ones and is George VI

What is the Queen Elizabeth's mothers name?

Queen Elizabeth

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Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II

What is Queen Elizabeth's last name?

Queen Elizabeth I's last name is Tudor.

what was queen Elizabeth 1's full name?

Elizabeth Tudor was the full name of Queen Elizabeth the 1st

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Does Queen Elizabeth of England have a last name?

Which one? Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II? If you're talking about the current Queen (Elizabeth II), no. However, she is from the House of Windsor. Elizabeth I, did have a last name Elizabeth Tudor.