Kathryn Bernardo goes by Kath or Kathryn.
Kathryn Bernardo is Filipino
sister of kathryn
Kathryn chandria Ortega manuel Cruz bernardo's dad's name is Teodor C. bernardo and Kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's mom's name is Luzviminda M. bernardo also known as Min bernardo by kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo Friends and Co-star.
number of kathrn bernardo
Kathryn Bernardo goes by Kath or Kathryn.
Kathryn Chandria Bernardo
Kathryn Chandria Bernardo
Yes Kathryn has sibling namely Chrysler Bernardo, Kaye Bernardo and Kevin Bernardo. =)
Kathryn Bernardo was born on March 26, 1996.
Kathryn Bernardo was born on March 26, 1996.
Kathryn Bernardo is Filipino
Min Bernardo
sister of kathryn
Kathryn chandria Ortega manuel Cruz bernardo's dad's name is Teodor C. bernardo and Kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's mom's name is Luzviminda M. bernardo also known as Min bernardo by kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo Friends and Co-star.
number of kathrn bernardo
Lusviminda Bernardo