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Q: What is the lang lakar of dhav?
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What is the lang lakar pib dhatu in sanskrit?

In Sanskrit, "lang lakar" is used to decline verbs in past tense, while "pib dhatu" specifically refers to the verb "to drink." So, lang lakar pib dhatu would be the conjugation of the verb "to drink" in past tense.

What is the lang lakar of windh dhatu in sanskrit?

In Sanskrit, the lang lakar (conjugation) of the Windh Dhatu (root verb) is "lundh."

What is the lang lakar pa dhatu in sanskrit?

ekvachan dvivachan bahuvachan pratham purush :pasyati pasyatah pasyantimadhyam purush :pasyasi pasyathah pasyathuttam purush :pasyami pasyavah pasyamah

What is lrit lakar of pashya?

"Lrit lakar of pashya" is a Sanskrit grammatical term that refers to the imperative mood form of the verb "pashya," which means "see" in English. In this form, the imperative verb is used to give a command or instruction, directing someone to see something.

Find dhatu roop of dhav in Sanskrit?

dhavti dhavtaha dhavantidhavsi dhavatha dhavathdhavami dhavavaha dhavamaha

What is lat and lrit lakar of aaruh?

The Lat lakar of "aaruh" is "aar", and the Lrit lakar of "aaruh" is "aaray".

Has dhatu roop?

has dhatu ka lot lakar

Where to apply lung lakar in sanskrit?

In Sanskrit, "lung lakar" is not a term. It seems like there may be a misunderstanding or misspelling. If you have a different term or concept in mind, please provide more context so I can offer guidance.

Did lang lang die?

Lang Lang (pianist) is alive.

When was Lang Lang born?

Lang Lang was born on June 14, 1982.

What is Lang Lang's birthday?

Lang Lang was born on June 14, 1982.

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