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The Basilisk

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Q: What is the name of the mythical creature that travels through the pipes of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
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Did James Potter go to Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was opened before?

No, the Chamber of Secrets was first opened in 1942. James Potter was not born until 1960 and he began Hogwarts in 1971.

When was the Chamber of Secrets built?

During the creation of Hogwarts which occurred in the 10th century.

What book is Hermione Granger looking for that will tell her about the Chamber of Secrets?

Hogwarts: A history

What school did Harry attend in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter went to Hogwarts.

What is the setting of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Hogwarts is the main setting of the second book.

What are the settings of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

In order of appearance: The Dursleys' house on Privet Drive, The Burrow (The Weasleys' house), Diagon Alley, the Weasleys' flying Ford Anglia, Hogwarts, the Chamber of Secrets. The setting is focused around Privet Drive & Hogwarts.

What time does the train leave in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

The Hogwarts Express leaves at 11 o'clock.

Who played the giant spider in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Julian Glover provided the voice for Aragog in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The creature was computer animated.

How do you spell the name of the big snake in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

The basilisk is the snake mentioned in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

What type of creature did Harry Potter and Fawkes defeat?

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Fwakes deafeat the basilisk who lives in the chamber of secrets. The basilisk is a legendary gigantic snake.

How do you get into the restricted section to get Hogwarts A History in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for Gamecube?

harry had to sneak in with his cloak his dad gave to him

What was the name of Hagrid's pet that got mistaken as the creature from the Chamber of Secrets?

Aragog (a giant spider)