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Q: What is the name of the villain Azals gargoyle servant in the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who?
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What does Iago mean in English?

The villain, deceiver, manipulator, servant of Othello (whom he hates because he made Cassio his lieutenant instead of him).

What makes someone a villain?

A villain is defined asa wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberatelythe principal bad character in a film or work of fiction

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Cleopatra was no more a villain than any other monarch of her time. However, because we know so little about her, and most of what we do know about her is negative, fiction writers have a wide open field fora character and she is portrayed in novels, plays and videos as a villain. This depiction of her began with Octavian as he waged his propaganda war with Antony.

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What is the possessive form of villain?

The possessive form of the noun 'villain' is villain's.Example: The jury didn't believe the villain's claim of innocence.

What does the word 'villanize' mean?

It means to make like a villain. "villan" is the same root as "villain." It used to mean a servant or a peasant... low-bred person. It came to mean a cruel, heartless, evil person as well, which is what the word "villain" in its current form means. ... So, if you "villanize" something you are degrading it, or making it worse than it was... low, and perhaps evil. Here is a dictionary definition for reference:

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