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Honeydukes found in the village of Hogsmede

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Q: What is the sweetshop near Hogwarts called?
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What is the name of he sweetshop near Hogwarts?


What is the name of the sweat shop near hogwarts?

In Hogsmeade there is a sweet shop called Honeydukes.

In Harry Potter what is the name of the sweetshop near hogwarts?

Honeydukes. It is one of the most popular wizard confectionaries in the world and carries all types of wizarding sweets including Chocolate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and hundreds of other items. The shop is owned by Ambrosius Flume and his wife who live above the shop. There is a secret trapdoor in the cellar of Honeydukes that leads to the third floor of Hogwarts.

Does Honda use sweatshops?

yes, when you buy a honda it comes with lots of sweets from the sweetshop , these are the best sweets that a sweetshop could make

What is the sweet shop near hogwarts?

The Honeydukes in Hogsmeade

Is Hogwarts by the sea?

No, but there is a lake on the grounds of Hogwarts called the Black Lake.

Where can you take classes at Hogwarts school online?

There are thousands of online Hogwarts sites, such as PotterAcademy, Hogwarts Online, and Magical Hogwarts. I am launching a new site soon called e-Hogwarts:

What towns are around hogwarts?

Depends what you mean by "Harry Potter's town": Godric's Hollow is the town where he lived as a baby, back before his parents were killed by Voldemort. Little Whinging is the town where he lived with his awful Muggle relatives, the Dursleys. Hogsmeade is the all-magic town located near Hogwarts.

What is the name of the sweets shop near hogwarts?

Honeydukes Sweet Shop

What is the name of Harry Potter's school?

Harry Potter's school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the fourth book, Hogwarts hosts the triwizard tournament and students from two other schools come to compete. These schools are Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute.

When is the Hogwarts dance?

There was a Hogwarts dance, called the Yule Ball, in book 4 (The Goblet of Fire), on Christmas in the books.

Where did Dumbeldore's body get buried?

Dumbledore's body was placed in a tomb at Hogwarts near the lake.