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There are about 493 pokemon.

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Q: What is the total amount of Pokemon now?
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If there are 493 Pokemon now how many will be in all if you add the new region?

There is a total of 649 Pokemon total adding the new region.

What is the total amount of the populations in the Philippine now 2009?

90 million

When Pokemon Black And White arrive what will the count of Pokemon be?

It is released, the count of Pokemon is now up to a grand total of... 649! All the new Pokemon can be seen at

How many total Pokemon can you capture in emerald?

count up the amount of boxes there are in your storage thing and multiply that by 30 to get your answer

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon Silver version?

There are 100 new pokemon in pokemon silver that weren't in blue and red. Although,the original pokemon are still in silver, bringing the total amount of available pokemon in your pokedex up to 251. So, you can catch 251 pokemon in the silver version for gameboy.

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon Black and White?

If you're meaning to say how many Pokemon there are in the National Dex, there are now 694 Pokemon total, but if you're meaning the Isshu Dex, that would be 156, I believe, new Pokemon to the already overloaded Pokedex. :/

How many pokemon in the world?

their are 10 gens in total and 5 are done so no one knows right now

What is the total amount of Pokemon including 2nd and 3rd evolutions?

There are currently 493 Pokemon everywhere except Japan. Japan has released new games (Black and White), coming to the US in 2011.

How many Pokemon are there now?

There are 659 pokemon right now.

What is the amount after everything is counted?

It is the total amount.

What is total amount of people in the Philippine now 2009?

Population of the Philippines is estimated to be 96 million as of July 2008

How many total maximum Pokemon fit in all the PC boxes?

As you can only get 30 in each box and there are 18 boxes, then assuming that is correct the total amount possible would be 30x18=540