Clement Attlee's birth name is Clement Richard Atlee.
Clement Attlee was born on January 3, 1883.
Clement Attlee was born on January 3, 1883 and died on October 8, 1967. Clement Attlee would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 132 years old today.
1945 to 1951 Clement Atlee and 1955 to 1957 Anthony Eden
he became prime mister in 1937 but i don't know the exact
Clement Richard Attlee was PM at that time. He was British PM from 1945 to 1951.
Clement Attlee lead the Labout party to victory over Winston's party.
Clement Attlee's birth name is Clement Richard Atlee.
Clement Attlee was born on January 3, 1883.
Clement Attlee was born on January 3, 1883.
Clement Attlee died on October 8, 1967 at the age of 84.
The Labour Party with Clement Attlee as Prime Minister.
Clement Attlee
Labour Party leader Clement Atlee replaced Churchill in the last months of the war.
Clement Attlee was born on January 3, 1883 and died on October 8, 1967. Clement Attlee would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 132 years old today.
The head of state of the UK in Aug 1945 was King George VI The head of government of the UK in Aug 1945 was Clement Attlee (Labour)