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Richard Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, was a cousin of Elizabeth I and a personal favorite of the queen. However, due to Essex's frequent insubordination, rash temper and dangerous political enemies, he fell out of favor, launched a rebellion, was tried for treason and executed.

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Q: What was the relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Essex like?
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Queen Elizabeth I was never married. Period. hence the title Virgin Queen- a film with Bette Davis in the star role and a much better film biography of Bess Tudor. It covers her whole life, not merely the incidents of her encounter with Lord Essex.( as did private lives of Elizabeth & Essex- one of the first Technicolor films. ( Alt Title Elizabeth the Queen) Bette Davis played Queen Elizabeth I in Two different movies.

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As Victoria has nine children, this couldn"t apply to her. Maybe you are thinking of Queen Elizabeth I or Elizabeth Tudor ( reigned l558-l603) A movie biography of Elizabeth I was appropriately called the Virgin Queen - a name applied to Elizabeth I in view of her non-marital status. She had numerous paramours such as Sir Walter Raleigh and Lord Devereaux or Essex- who co-starred, as it were in the Private lives of Elizabeth and Essex. Bette Davis played Queen Bess ( very appopriate role!) in both films. Virgin Queen is more accurate goes up to Elizabeth"s death.

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Possible assasination attempt by a very distraught and un-gentlemanly Lord Philip Essex. ( this was hinted at in the movie private lives of Elizabeth and Essex- Bette Davis as Queen Elizabeth and Errol Flynn as Lord Essex. Essex was executed for his ATTEMPTED palace coup- which did not, thank God, go as he planned it. Funny thing guys named Phil go bad- Essex, Petain,.... Spector.