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Cinderella is given the glass slippers by her 'god mother', a representation of the divine teacher in all of us

She goes to the palace , the heart of the kingdom, and meets the prince, where she enjoys her time but remembers to return to the earthly realms at the time she was told. The slippers vanish with the gown back to whence they came.

The second time she leaves the ball late, and a slipper remains for the prince to find, while the second is with Cinderella. The slipper is neither of this world or of the palace but a representation of the unique qualities of Cinderella herself. It fits her and only her, no one else can fill her shoes. The prince who is the complement of Cinderella recognizes her as his mate, and uses this piece of her uniqueness to lead him to her.

Although others try to fill her shoes, only she can fill them, only Cinderella has the True fit.

Thus the slippers function on a number of levels:

* representing our own unique qualities that belong only to us

* these are qualities that lead us to the union of opposites within us

* these qualities are not of heaven nor of earth but something that transcends both these realms, because they lead to union of opposites and have come from that same transcendent space that is beyond opposites

* the slipper remains in the world, because it has been separated from its mate, representing that piece of transcendence that exists in all ppl, and if kept safe, nurtured & protected (as Cinderella keeps the shoe) will eventually lead back to her true origin

* Cinderella can dance in the heart of the kingdom because she is wearing HER shoes, the shoes that are her unique qualities...these allow her to shine & sparkle like no other....for she is not pretending to be something she is not, nor is she inflicting suffering on others in order to reach the kingdom, like her step sisters

* when Cinderella's step sisters try to fit the shoe, they are trying to be someone else for the sake of winning the kingdom...but because they are not being who they Truly are, they ultimately fail

* Cinderella wins the kingdom and the HEART of the kingdom because she accepts her roles patiently & doesn't compromise who she is ...she quietly slips into the shoes without display, but because she has wholly accepted who she is and gracefully wears her shoes, others celebrate her victory & ultimate union, while some cannot do anything but be envious/jealous as they do not understand true happiness comes from accepting things as they are, and accepting ourselves as we are.

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15y ago

According to some, the slippers of the Wicked Witch of the East and then of Dorothy Gale symbolize the silver standard of money. Those of that opinion base their interpretation on the political climate of the latter 19th century. During that time, one of the big debates in the United States of America was the choice between devotion to the gold standard or support for the silver standard. The debate particularly was strong in the American West, where Oz book author and series originator Lyman Frank Baum [May 15, 1856-May 6, 1919] spent some time before writing and publishing 'The Wizard of Oz'. According to others, the slippers symbolize the secret power of each individual to realize her/his potential. Those of that opinion base their interpretation most particularly on the words of Glinda the Good Witch. In the original 1900 book edition, and the beloved 1939 film version, of 'The Wizard of Oz', Glinda is the last resort for Dorothy and her pet dog Toto to get home. The Wizard takes off in his hot-air balloon without them. The Winged Monkeys can't cross the deadly desert that separates the beautiful, enchanted, magical lands of Oz from the world in which Kansas is found. So everything hinges on the slippers, whose power only can be activated by the wearer.

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15y ago

The metaphysical refers to what can't be explained by normal phenomena. So the metaphysical symbolism of the Wicked Witch of the East's Slippers, be they Silver in the book or Ruby in the film, is the power of objects to move on their own.

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15y ago

It has been suggested that the Silver Slippers of the Wicked Witch of the East symbolize the silver standard. Those who accept the symbolism point to Dorothy walking in the slippers over the Yellow Brick Road of gold. They interpret this as symbolic of free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver, which was a major plank in the platform of the 19th-century Populist Party. The aim was more accessible money for loans to businessmen and farmers to pay off their debts. Author and Oz series originator Lyman Frank Baum [May 15, 1856-May 5, 1919] described his book The Wizard of Oz, as entertainment in the form of a fairy tale for children. He described previous Fairy Tales as heartache and nightmare-inducing in children. He characterized his book as a fresh attempt in a new direction, to entertain children and to develop and cherish their sense of joy and wonder. So if he put the symbolism that others see in his book, he didn't admit to it.

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13y ago

With the blue-and-white checked dress, the ruby red slippers represent the flag of the United States of America in "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, the slippers are silver in the original 1900 book edition but ruby red in the beloved 1939 film version of "The Wizard of Oz." In the movie, Dorothy Gale's character may be interpreted as representing the straightforward, practical, ordinary person of the Midwestern heartland of the United States. That is why her dress and shoes symbolize the red, white and blue colors of the U.S. flag.

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14y ago

The slippers hold a specialpower. Which is to send the wearer to wherever they desire.

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