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Cato Walker III died on March 4, 2011, in Memphis, Tennessee, USA of heart problems.

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Q: When did Cato Walker III die?
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When did Cato Perkins die?

Cato Perkins died in 1805.

When did Cato Andreas Sverdrup die?

Cato Andreas Sverdrup died in 1948.

When did Lowes Cato Dickinson die?

Lowes Cato Dickinson died on 1908-12-15.

Does thresh die in the hunger games by cato or the mutts?

In the book, Cato killed him. In the film, the Mutts killed him

When did Florence Cato die?

Florence Cato died on May 12, 1969, in Carmel, California, USA.

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No. There were two Catos, Cato the Elder and Cato the Younger. Both were Roman statesmen. Cato the Elder was the grandfather of Cato the Younger. The closest either came to Greece was Cato the Elder commanding troops sent to Greece to oppose its invasion by Antiochus III; he won the Battle of Thermopylae, which turned the course of the war.

When did Lowes Cato Dickinson die?

Lowes Cato Dickinson died on 1908-12-15.

When did Cato Maximilian Guldberg die?

Cato Maximilian Guldberg died on 1902-01-14.

When did Cato Bontjes van Beek die?

Cato Bontjes van Beek died in 1943.

Does thresh die in the hunger games by cato or the mutts?

In the book, Cato killed him. In the film, the Mutts killed him