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Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation ended in 2000.

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Q: When did Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation end?
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What is the person called who makes animation for TV shows?

A television program, such as a cartoon series, or puppet animation would employ a different set of crew members, depending on the kind of animation involved.DetailsAnimation's implementation on film is achieved by the work of many, many people, each with different job titles.You can read more about animation -- its many different types, and computer animation, below.(Stay past the end of an animated movie and read the animation credits: often there are hundreds of names.)Another link, below, to the film Avatar, offers a full list of people and their titles who worked on the animation for that film, which included a rich mix of types of animation.

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What is the alternative name for 2D Animation?

Cell animation Hand Drawn animation frame by frame traditional animation

Want to know about animation institutes and the future in animation?

There are lots of animation schools, both physical and online. Computer animation, especially 3D animation, has a great future.

How does Traditional animation supporting 3D animation?

CGI animation already gives off a 3D look. 3D animation wouldn't be successful without traditional animation.