Nathan Leopold's birth name is Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr..
Leopold Pokagon died in 1841.
Leopold Mitrofanov died in 1992.
Leopold Rügheimer died in 1917.
Leopold Barschandt died on 2000-10-05.
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. died on August 29, 1971 at the age of 66.
Nathan Leopold's birth name is Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr..
Nathan Leopold is 5' 6".
Nathan Leopold was born on November 19, 1904, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. was born on November 19, 1904.
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. was born on November 19, 1904.
Nathan Leopold had an IQ of 210, which is considered to be in the range of exceptionally gifted or genius level.
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. died on August 29, 1971 at the age of 66.
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. was born on November 19, 1904 and died on August 29, 1971. Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 110 years old today.
Not together, but Nathan Leopold did father a daughter in Penuelas, Puerto Rico. Trudi de Queveda had no children of her own.
No. If Leopold had been a fraction as smart as he evidently believed that he was, he wouldn't have gotten caught.
Harry Houdini had five brothers (Herman, Theodore, Gottfried, Leopold, and Nathan) and a sister (Gladys)