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Q: When highschool student Bruce McAllister mailed 150 writes about the nature of symbolism in their writing what did he learn?
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How do you help student with writing difficulties?

You might help a student with writing difficulties by creating worksheets that allow the student to trace letters and words. This creates muscle memory and improves writing skills.

Why is symbolism used in writing?

to create a better image of what the writer is trying to put across

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The teacher should encourage the student to write more legibly. So, yes, a teacher should correct a student if they are not writing legibly.

What does medium mean in writing?

If you're talking about level of writing, it just means that you're an average student in writing.

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An essay question can benefit a student in two ways: It can encourage the student to think more clearly, as to express the idea in writing, and hence it can also sharpen the student's writing skills.

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to convey important ideas to readers

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he started by his teachers in highschool liking his poems

Why were hieroglyphics used?

xssrrssrsdfgrrv ffrghhh retyhuj gfxzryj6yrxkz6yxudtfghyui dfghjk dfghjk dfghjk sdfrtyui awertyuio wertyui

What describes Hernando Téllez's writing in Just Lather That's All?

The use of symbolism and irony contributes to the depth and drama of the situation.