Christian Milne was born in 1773.
Eddie Milne was born in 1915.
Ewart Milne was born in 1903.
William Johnstone Milne was born on 1892-12-21.
AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.AA Milne was born on Wednesday the 18th of January 1882.
Christian Milne was born in 1773.
Milne Ramsey was born in 1847.
Milne Barbour was born in 1868.
Seumas Milne was born in 1958.
Fiona Milne was born in 1971.
Milne Cheetham was born in 1869.
Adam Milne was born in 1992.
Frank Milne was born in 1946.
Lachie Milne was born in 1978.
Hamish Milne was born in 1939.
Lance Milne was born in 1915.
Eddie Milne was born in 1915.