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Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol was born in 1819.

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Q: When was Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol born?
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When did Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol die?

Narcís Monturiol i Estarriol died in 1885.

When was The Narcs created?

The Narcs was created in 1980.

How did Spain honor monturiol in 1987?

he got a medal

Should narcissists leave their families?

On the contrary, most families leave the narcissist.

Is it possible to leave a narcissit and amicably divide your lives and possessions Or do you just have to walk away?

Just walk away. Narcs are such drama-addicts they won't allow amicability. Save what you can and get out.

It took eight years for his 1960 pilot to reach the air but what TV series was based on the real-life experiences of Bud Ruskin who in the 1950s worked with hep-cat narcs?

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Why are Narcissistis always so angry after the honeymoon period?

Narcs are ALWAYS angry. The only emotion they feel is rage. The honeymoon is an act... pretend guy... they get tired of "acting" after a while and the real predator always comes out.

What type of narcissistic supply do you give a narcissist to regain their trust and favor?

Why in the hell would you want to be just one of a narcs servants? If you give sex, so will someone else. If you give money, they will take it from you and someone else also. No matter what you supply a narc, you will be just another source to use. What the hell is wrong with you? These narcs dont know or do they care about you, only what you supply along with everyone else. You do not understand Narcissism. REMEMBER THIS: NARCISSISTS DO NOT TRUST ANYONE OR LOVE ANYONE THEY SIMPLY CAN NOT. They can fake it really well but that is used to keep you deceived so they can get what you supply. IT IS A SCAM BABY!

Doesn't a cop have to tell you he's a cop?

No. If they did, there wouldn't be any narcs. Cops can legally lie to you. People that say yes either don't know or want you to get ARRESTED. Cops want to arrest everybody so anybody that answers yes might be a cop.

Do narcs hate being dumped?

Doesn't everyone hate being dumped? It would depend on the person I assume. One narcissist would be completely broken after being dumped, because it would be a bullet to their ego, whilst another may think you were just a waste of their time, and it's your fault, not theirs. Everyone is different.

Your father has narcissistic characteristics such as need for attention intimidation arrogant manipulative e but aside from about 4-5 who are close to him everyone seems to gravitate to him -- anyone?

Narcs can be very charismatic to people who don't live with them. Get away as soon as you can. Remember-narcissists have a srong energy- they appear to have alot going on for themselves. they make a great impression on those who arn't married to them or to those who havn't have grown up with them

Can you become a nurse with a misdemeanor charge of marijuana?

I don't believe so, or they should not like someone in with that kind of charge because then when they are a RN or LPN they are in charge of lots of drugs and they can start stealing them. It happen in a hospital I used to work for this nurse was addicted to just Marijuana and when she was put in charge of Narcs, and the person she had to give to was kind of out of it anyways she thought who would know. So No I would say no to this question.