Yes, Cary Grant starred in Arsenic and Old Lace, (the movie).
Cary Grant starred in three movies that were released in 1944 - Arsenic and Old Lace, None but the Lonely Heart, and Once Upon A Time.
Arsenic and Old Lace
Cary Grant
"Arsenic and ols lace" is cast in Brooklyn, NY.
Arsenic and Old Lace is the play you are looking for.
Arsenic is used in rat poison and is in the title "Arsenic and Old Lace."
Movies with the word old in their titles include:- Old Dogs- Arsenic and Old Lace- Old School- The Old Man and the Sea- Grumpy Old Men
Arsenic is used in rat poison and is in the title "Arsenic and Old Lace."
Arsenic is used in rat poison and is in the title "Arsenic and Old Lace."
Yes, Cary Grant starred in Arsenic and Old Lace, (the movie).
The movie Arsenic and Old Lace is a 1944 dark comedy film directed by Frank Capra based on Joseph Kesselring's play Arsenic and Old Lace. The script adaptation was by Julius J. Epstein and Philip G. Epstein.
Arsenic is an element. The scientific name for arsenic is arsenic. Arsenic's chemical symbol is: As It is left to the student to balance the chemical equation of Arsenic and Old Lace.
who played the doctor