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i think you do this. Get relicanth(found by underwater enterance to sootopolis city) then get wailord(evolve at lv 40& find wailmer by fishing in mossdeep city)thenby paciflidog town go on current and keep trying until you reach a space where you can dive then do so.Then go down until u cant.then go around rock read inscription go up then go straight. read inscription then use dig on wall. then go through door and read inscription but dont close for like 2 minutes. then u should here a sound like doors opening.then those random caves u saw while traveling, go to them and u must complete specefic tasks to open chamber to get to regi's.

If this doesnt work go on YouTube and find a walkthrough thats how i found them

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14y ago

to unlock the regis caves, you must have a relicanth, waillord, and something that knows dig. the cave, sealed chamber, is located in the ocean current in route 134. you will also need something that knows dive, dig, and surf.

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