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Q: Where does a feast in the games mean for District 12?
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district 12 of the hunger games is in idaho

What district is Peeta Mellark from?

Peeta Mellark is from District 12.

What is district 8 9 12 3 keywords for the hunger games contest?

Keywords? Do you mean what they produce for the Capitol? if so ... District 3 Technology District 8 Textiles District 9 Grain District 12 Mining/Coal

What district is the poorest in the Hunger Games?

District 12

Who is in district 12 in the Hunger Games?

Katniss and Peeta are the two Tributes from District 12 who won the 74th annual Hunger Games.

What is district twelve in The Hunger Games?

There is no District 12...

Where does Katniss live?

District 12 then she moves to the victors villiage in district 12 when she wins The Hunger Games

Who is the fellow tribute from district 12 when Haymitch Abernathy played the Hunger Games?

Haymitch was the male tribute in District 12 for the 50th Hunger Games. The female tribute for District 12 was Madge's aunt Maysilee Donner.

What district are in the hung games book?

I presume you mean "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins? If so, there are 13 Districts in the series, though District Thirteen was bombed by the Capitol. Katniss, Prim, Gale, etc live in District 12, which mines coal.

Why does Katniss want to go to the feast?

The feast at the Cornucopia, while dangerous, could supply each team district with a much needed supply. At the Cornucopia, there was a backpack with each remaining district number on it. In District 12's was the medicine needed to heal Peeta's leg, which is why Katniss wanted to go to the Feast.

What does district 12 from the hunger games surround?

District 12 is coal mines and forests on the outside boundary lines

What district is Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games?

Peeta comes from district 12 with Katniss.