Gavin Free goes by Gavino, and Gav.
Ben Gavin's birth name is Benjamin Hogan Gavin.
Gavin Peretti's birth name is Gavin Phillip Peretti.
Gavin Meadon died in 2004.
Gavin Russell is 6'.
Gavin Free is 177 cm.
Gavin Free goes by Gavino, and Gav.
Gavin Free was born on May 23, 1988, in UK.
The cast of Gavin DeGraw Live on Tour - 2012 includes: Gavin DeGraw as himself
Gavin and Christian McGinley
Live from Daryl's House - 2007 Gavin Degraw 1-64 was released on: USA: 13 February 2014
Gavin and Christian McGinley
You can watch Gavin and Stacey on BBCi Player onlineYou can watch it for free on BBC I Player
"Gavin" is spelled G-A-V-I-N.