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Ozzie and Harriet Nelson from the Ozzie and Harriet show

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Q: Who are a comedy couple from the 1950s and 60s that were married in real life and have two sons?
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No. You can name who you choose as your beneficiary.

Is john cena maried in real life?

Yes. John Cena is married in real life. He announced his engagement to his girl friend Elizabeth Huberdeau in the year 2009. The couple got married on July 11th 2009 and have been married ever since.

What was life like in the 1950s in America?

Life in the 1950s in America consist of a population of 151,684,000. The number of unemployed was 3,288,000 and the average salary was $2,992.

How much life insurance would a newly married couple with a $100k annual income need?

A couple should be able to replace from one to five years of household income.

How is John Cena married to?

John Cena is married in real life. He announced his engagement to his girl friend Elizabeth Huberdeau in the year 2009. The couple got married on July 11th 2009 and have been married ever since.

How might a marriage ceremony guide a couple in life?

When you get married, you make vows to one another. In your life, you must make sure that what you do is in sync with those vows.

Can you sex on apartment life?

yes, get a married couple or a buyfriend and girlfriend and click relax on a double bed and then click woohoo