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Nothing happened to them, because 'god' doesn't exist. Grow up. Fairy Tales aren't real. <--- I think you need to be the one doing the growing up.... And yes there are some history of people dying of those who mocked God. Ex John Lennon

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Q: Who are those people who mocked God and what happen to them?
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Where in the Bible do you find God is not mocked?

Galatians 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

How do you know if God is real if bad things still happen to people who worship him?

You are right. Bad things happen to people whether or not they worship God. And just as many good things happen to those who worship other gods. If this tells you that God does not really exist, you are almost there.

What would happen if people doesn't believe in God?

People would find different reasons to inflict suffering on others.

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Because they are evil and/or profoundly mentally and emotionally disturbed. Make no mistake though, God is not mocked--they will answer for their wicked actions.

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Gal 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

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with out god people can't follow their region.

If GOD goes on strike what would happen?

For those who doesn't believe - nothing. For those who believe - panic. for those who arnt sure - DECIDE!!!

Why as mormons is our faith in god being mocked by god as he chose not to allow a mormon to become the next president of the us cause why else would god do what he did?

God can not force anyone to be righteous or make good choices. Those must be made on our own. He also cant take away the agency for people to make those choices. There have to be consequences of bad choices, and those will come in time. We have a country that is falling away from God. Do you think it was God's will that people voted for partial birth abortions, or mercy killing for elderly and others whos "life" may not be worth saving? Those things were voted on and were passed by a majority of people living in our country. If we do not listen to God in the spiritual things of life, why would people listen to him if His will was to vote for Romney? God is not mocking our faith. God knows all things, and therefore knew that Obama would be re-elected before anyone even cast one vote. We have to have faith that God is aware of our needs, and although in the short run, it may not have turned out like you hopped, in the long run, God will protect and help those who humble themselves, and draw themselves nearer to Him.

What would happen to people that think it is rational to believe in god?

Then they believe in God and believe their lives are the better for it.

If there is a god why does it hurt good people?

All things happen for a reason.

Who is more eager for the Apocalypse to happen God or Satan?

According to the bible. Satan and god equally want the apocolypse to happen. This is simply becasue god wants his pupils and the devil wants more people to torture.

What chapters in the Bible can you find references to woe to those who mess with God's children?

It doesn't quite say it like that, but there are several places in Revelation where it does mention about some bad things happen to those that persecute followers of God.