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In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl you can receive Eevee from Bebe in Hearthome city.

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Q: Who gives you Eevee?
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Where can you find Eevee in pokemon firered?

someone gives you one eventually.

What pokemon do trade with bebe in Pokemon Diamond?

When you beat the elite 4 then bebe gives u an eevee

How do you catch Eevee?

There are a couple of ways to catch a eevee. Sometimes in the Trophy Garden there are Eevee's, and SOMETIMES they pop out of the grass. But an easier way to get a eevee is to go to a girl next to the Pokemon center in heartrome city and use the ditto clone trick to get more eevee's. Just put the eevee and ditto in the Solaceon towns rest place. An eevee egg will hatch. Even if the eevee is evolved. I can't say how and where to catch a ditto now. I am busy. If you want to know how to catch a ditto or something go to for more information.On Platinum, Cynthia gives in to you at Hearthome City.

What is good about eevee?

Well Eevee is probably my favourite Pokemon because my best friend is called Eevee

How do you get a 7 forms of Eevee to murph?

Jolteon: Give Eevee a Thunderstone Vaporeon: Give Eevee a Waterstone Flareon: Give Eevee a Firestone Espeon: Max out Eevee's Happiness during the day time Umbreon: Max out Eevee's Happiness during the night time Leafeon: Level Eevee Up in Eterna Forest Glaceon: Level Eevee Up in Route 216 or close to Snowpoint City

Related questions

When bebe gives you an Eevee does it have to be a girl?

When she gives you an eevee somethimes it will be a boy instead of a girl

Were to get female Eevee?

the only way you can get any eevee is from bebe. Save your game before she gives it to you, then keep turning your game off and back on again until she gives you a female eevee

Can a Ditto and one of Eevee's evolvesions make an egg?

Yes it gives you a baby Eevee!

Where is Eevee at on SoulSilver?

Bill gives one to you sometimes

Can you get a shiny Eevee in platinum from bebe?

Sorry, but no. Its impossible to get a shiny eevee from bebe she only gives you a normal one.

Where do you find an Eevee on Pokemon diamond DS?

bebe gives you an eevee after you have the national pokedex and have beat the elite four

Where do you find Eevee on Pokemon HeartGold?

In Goldenrod City, there is a house where the PC programmer Bill lives. He gives you an Eevee.

How do you give Eevee a haircut and catch it in crystal version?

Actually you cant catch eevee Bill gives him to you at Goldenrod city

How To Get Another Eevee?

If you mean in leafgreen and firered you go to the pokemon day care on four island. And you give them to care about your ditto and your eevee. After a while you go to the man standing beside the house and he gives you an egg. When it hatches you have another eevee. (when you give them a ditto and eevee the eevee can be evolved too... And your eevee can even be a boy)

Where can you find Eevee in pokemon firered?

someone gives you one eventually.

Where you 2 Eevee in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Once you get an eevee from Bill. (House in Goldenrod City gives one for free) take it and a ditto to day care. Leave them in there. Soon there will be an egg there. Hatch it to an eevee.

Where can you find a wild Eevee in Pokemon platinum?

you go to bebe in hearthome and talk to her then she gives you an eevee and to make it evolve to one of its other evolutions give it a certain stone but im not sure how to get a wild eevee. SORRY