Mahesh Babu was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Mahesh Babu was born on August 9, 1974.
Mahesh Babu is 43 years old (birthdate: August 9, 1974).
mahesh babu
Kamma Chowdary
Mahesh Babu's Weight is 73.4 Kg
Mahesh Babu's Weight is 73.4 Kg
mahesh babu
Mahesh Babu was born on August 9, 1974.
Mahesh Babu is an Indian actor who generally acts in Telugu film
Mahesh Babu Padmalaya Studios Hyderabad
Mahesh Babu was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Mahesh Babu was born on August 9, 1974.
Mahesh Babu's mother's name is Indira Devi.
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Mahesh Babu. The proof is the number of awards he won and the number of fans he had.
Tollywood Prince Mahesh Babu's father is Superstar Krishna who is also an actor.