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Q: Who plays Yoda in Star Wars Episodes 1 3?
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Does skyler president play yoda in Star Wars episodes 1-3?

No, Frank Oz does the voice over for Yoda in those episodes

Who plays Yoda in Star Wars Episodes 1-3?

Yoda is a puppet in episode one, and is computer-animated in episodes 2 and 3. He is voiced by Frank Oz, who has voiced him for all six movies.

What star wars character flees to degobah after the clone wars?


Does Yoda turn evil in Star Wars Episode 7?

Not likely as Yoda died and became one with the Force in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI).

Who is yoda's favorite character in star wars?

All Of the Jedi Knights

Related questions

Does skyler president play yoda in Star Wars episodes 1-3?

No, Frank Oz does the voice over for Yoda in those episodes

Who plays Yoda in Star Wars Episodes 1-3?

Yoda is a puppet in episode one, and is computer-animated in episodes 2 and 3. He is voiced by Frank Oz, who has voiced him for all six movies.

In what movie did Yoda feature and where did Yoda come from?

Yoda featured in episodes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of the Star Wars Saga and he came from the Dagoba system.

Which Star Wars movies did obi wan and yoda star in?

Obi-wan and Yoda were in Episodes I-III. Obi-wan was also in Episodes IV-VI. However, Yoda was only in Episodes V-VI. Yoda dies in ep 6 and obi wan in ep 4

Is yoda from Star Wars?

Yes Yoda was a Jedi master in the star wars films.

What is yoda motto in Star Wars?

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

Is yoda a hero?

There is no indication of gender. Yoda is just Yoda.

What is the first Star Wars film in which Yoda is completely computer-generated?

In Star Wars I, II, and III; Yoda is computer animated In Star Wars V and VI, Yoda is a puppet He does not appear in Star War IV

Who plays yoda in Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith?

billy bob thornton

Is yoda a Star Wars character?

Yes Yoda is a star wars character. He appears in almost every feature film except Star wars IV.

What Star Wars Movie did yoda not appear?

Yoda did not appear in the original Star Wars, A New Hope.

Who played Yoda out of Star Wars?

Frank Oz was the puppeteer in Episodes I,V, and VI. He also was always his voice (in the films).