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From most to least common; 1) Because of the massive size of the population, Chinese kids, by government compulsion, "P.E." in China is Kung Fu. 2) Nerds of all ages who wish to be Kung Fu heroes. 3) Here is where we get into cliches; kids. You notice how, in America, it seems that John Q middle class kid "took Karate, but that was when I was little.....?" Everyone in America takes Karate; few people stick with it though. Americans are generally influenced by cheesball B-movie Martial Arts flicks, myself personally I was influenced by Kung Fu flicks. To this day, I'm whinning over the fact that I did not get to take Kung Fu as a kid! Its alright though; in Tai Chi Chuan I found my style of Kung Fu which I learned from a DVD, I want an instructor though. The hard styles of Kung Fu are nice, but they don't keep you young. 4) Dudes with anger issues. 5) Sociopaths who want to make themselves retaliation proof. Bullies get tired of people standing up to them and beating them up so, to protect themselves against bullied people who want revenge against them, they take Karate, or Judo, or whatever. While in the school, they engage in bullying behavior towards less experienced students. Some instructors are good at detecting bullies, and, many schools have a zero tolerance policy for the infamous "dojo bullies." They forbid any sparring between different colored belt ranks; black belts only spar with black belts and so on, some schools are irresponsible though, you see yellows paired up with 2nd degree people and its really messed up. The skills may be genuine but the way its organized is not conducive to the building of either discipline, or good form. The way to know if you are going to run into a turd who won't pull their punches while sparring (when they're supposed to) is if the instructor pairs off high belts with lower ranked ones, that alone, should send alarm bells ringing. Another thing that should send alarm bells ringing is the whole "Home Improvement" scenario. I watched an episode of Home Improvement way back when in the 90's, where the youngest boy of that fictional family was taken to learn Karate. A tough looking kid, smacked him upside the head the moment the instructor turned around, even though the parents of both kids could clearly be heard arguing, the instructor did nothing. What I'm trying to say is that happens in real life all the time; instructors DO see bullying behavior, but choose to turn a blind eye. Believe it or not, in the Gracie schools of Jiu Jitsu, that sort of behavior, is generally not tolerated, as a result, in addition to having been submitted by Gracie guys, part of the reason Karate has lost business is because of the irresponsible way bullying is never handled. Also, it has a demoralizing effect; if the students don't feel safe there, they are not going to perform at their best. Again, if bullying is clearly visible but the instructor does nothing, get the hell out of there. A way to know if a school is a good place, is by looking at the head instructor themselves; if they are physically fit, calm, and impecably well mannered, additionally, they belong to a larger organization like the JKA, or the Gracie Jiu Jitsu whatever its called, then, its perfectly safe, okay not perfectly but SAFER. When a school has to answer to a larger body, they are a lot more careful regarding those things. If you study in an independent martial arts traning hall, they better have certification of some sort. As a general rule, the stricter the discipline in a school, the less a problem bullying is. Also, the instructor, above all things needs to project an aura of calmness; if beneath they are simmering with anger, if they project arrogance, or in their eyes you see a lot of malice, get out of there. I hate to be so informal here but listen to your gut; if a school rings alarm bells, don't study there. 6) Victims of a mugging, or sexual assault. 7) Least commonly but the hardest working outside East Asia, people interested in competitive martial arts. Competitive such as K-1, Sambo, Jiu Jitsu, and of course MMA 8) Even less commonly people seeking to get in shape while learning self defense. 9) Even less commonly than that, people wanting it as a meditation aid. When I was a little kid, myself personally I wanted to be a Kung Fu hero; what little kid doesn't right? Now, I use it as a meditation aid. Why not Yoga? What can I say; this world isn't safe. Although Yoga stretching is valuable; a dude who can't drop into splits both ways, has no business wearing a black belt.

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He first learned martial arts from his Dad when he was very young. Then he learned martial arts and acrobatic styles at the China Drama Academy. Then he studied lots of different styles for different movies.

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Bruce Lee began training in Wing Chun at the age of 13 under the Wing Chun teacher Yip Man in 1954

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Tens of thousands of people.

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Q: Who taught Bruce Lee karate?
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Did Bruce Lee start karate?

No Bruce Lee did not start karate. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chung Kung Fu. Karate originated several centuries ago.

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Bruce Lee descipled under Ip Man and Wong Shun Leung who taught him Wing Chun fundamentals, by which he created the Jeet Kune Do philosophy.

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Bruce Lee was a martial artist. He specialized in kung fu. He did not fight straight karate he blended his martial arts skills.

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his father taught him

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Yip Man was the instructor that taught Bruce Lee Wing Chun. They trained together in Hong Kong.

Who taught Bruce Lee?

As you know Bruce lee knows many different types of martial arts. It is not proven that someone just basically taught Bruce Lee. There is a man named Ip Man who taught Bruce Lee parts of wing chun

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The Green Hornet

What martial arts was founded by Bruce Lee?

Jeet Kune Do was the style created by Bruce Lee, combining what he learned from many other styles, but predominately Wing Chun Kung Fu and karate.

A movie in the 90's where kid learns a flying kick from Bruce Lee?

In the movie No Retreat No Surrender the main character is taught by the spirit of Bruce Lee.

What is the name of Bruse Lee's teacher?

The man who taught Bruce Lee since he was 13 was named Yip Man.