is not the right place for asking for pokemon, please go somewhere else to ask. You can try getting a shiny though.
Please include WHEN they evolve.
I will, if you have a shiny in return.
Yes you can. However, there are standards.Pokemon knowing HM Moves (Fly, Cut, etc.) can not be transferredPokemon holding items can not be transferredOnce you trade a Pokemon from Generation III or IV Games to Pokemon Black or White, you can not get it backYou can only trade event Pokemon in the beginning, but after completing the game can you trade the rest of the Pokemon
get it by trade or look in rooms
put it on wifi, lol. you want a shiny Pokemon, or you want a shaymin, lol? because everyone on wifi wants one:L put it on wifi, lol. you want a shiny Pokemon, or you want a shaymin, lol? because everyone on wifi wants one:L is the shaymin shiny because if it is i will trade a different shiny Pokemon for it
How about a shiny golem for it? Ok my Freindcode is Morgoo 2536 6202 8066. U must send me urs in order to trade. Send ur trainer name too!
The chance of a Pokemon received from an in-game trade being shiny is the same as the chance of capturing a shiny Pokemon in the wild.
Try it in the global trade system, just search for a Pokemon and see if anyone has shiny, try to trade with them. is not the right place for asking for pokemon, please go somewhere else to ask. You can try getting a shiny though.
The only way to get a shiny pokemon is if you find it as shiny. Shiny pokemon are sometimes up for trade on the GTS, but not always.
Please include WHEN they evolve.
Yes it will be shiny i tried it but i don't know for your leaf green but i would say yes.
No matter what Pokemon it is and if it is shiny it will stay shiny if you trade it or migrate it, trust me i know i traded my shiny banette to Pokemon xd and its still shiny.
if trade someone for a shiny but not in the game (unless you us the action replay for shiny wild Pokemon) (with that code every wild Pokemon will be shiny).