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He was waiting for Edward to return.

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Q: Who was Mustang waiting for in the fma movie?
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Is there a second fma movie?

Well no not really

In fma brotherhood does colonel mustang get turned into a humonculus?

No. He dosn't. Besides it was Hawkeye that would have turned into one.

Why does Roy hug Al in the fma movie?

Roy never does hug Al in the FMA movie Conquerer of Shamballa, he doesn't hug anyone. Winry does hug Ed though.

What country does fma take place in?

FMA takes place in a made up country called "Amestris". this also is the case for FMA brotherhood. in the FMA movie (conqueror of shamballa) the time where ed was transferred to was germany, in aproxximatly 1937/8, or just before WWII. i hope this answered your question!

In which episode do they spy on Roy Mustang in FMA?

Season 3 Episode 12 (or just Episode 37) - "The Flame Alchemist, the Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13.

What do you watch after fma is it brotherhood or a different one?

You can watch "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa" which follows Ed after he went through the gate . FMA Brotherhood is a more faithful adaptation from the original manga .

Is there a movie of Waiting for Godot?

Currently there is no movie based on Waiting for Godot.

What fma episode does Armstrong fights his sister?

Fma brotherhood episode 45 "the promised day"

When will the third season of fma come out?

The first fma had its own storyline and the second fma brotherhood follows the manga and they both have diffrent stories so there is no chance for a thrid season

What transformer movie has a yellow mustang?


What is a bullit mustang?

Bullit is the name of a movie featuring Steve McQueen. In this movie he drives a striking green Mustang through one of the best chase sequences ever filmed. So a Bullit Mustang would be a car looking like the one in the movie.

When did ed headrick die?

In the FMA movie, the "Other Ed" dies when Edward Elric, (trapped in the Other Ed's body), is hit by a zeppelin.