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the last witch is still alive today her name is madam fluffball of flufington hall in kent England/Scotland.

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Q: Who was the last witch hung in Britain?
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Who was the last female to be hung in Britain?

Ruth Ellis was the last perdon to be hung

Where was the last man in Britain hung?

The last hangings in Britain were at the Walton prison in Liverpool, and at Strangeways Prison in Manchester. Peter Anthony Allen was hung at Walton Prison, and Gwynne Owan Evens was hung at Strangeways. They were hung for the murder of John Alan West.

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Derek Bentley the last man to be hung in Britain lived in Croydon

Which witch burning in Britain had the most deaths?

No witches were burnt in Britain, they were either hung to death or crushed under rocks. Approximately 4 to 10 witches were hung at one time most of the time, but I couldn't find any record of a largest number of witches executed at one time in Britain. There were 11 people both male and female hanged for witchcraft in the Lancashire witch trials of 1612 but this was a rare thing in most cases in Britain the accused were acquitted.

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Tituba recanted her story. She was not hung.

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she was acussed of being a witch

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Bobby Knob.The first gay witch

How was Bridget bishop killed in the Salem witch trial?

she was hung

What did Hopkins do to stop witchcraft?

He accused people of being a witch and then put them on a trial and if they were still thought of as a witch they were hung

Witch nation won the battle of Britain?

Britain .

Did governor phips let his wife be hung in the Salem witch trials?


What events happened in the Massachusetts bay colonies?

King James I decision: No swim=not a witch, drown Swim=witch=hung