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As you are going through the stage we call 'Puberty'. Our... Parts grow, and we get hair places. It isn't wrong, it is just a stage of puberty.... Ha, just wait until you have your dream.. Haha. But dont be worried I also erect all the time. Even when im in school it's so strange.

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Q: Why do you become erect so easily?
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Why do some people erect so easily?

its just because of their sexual desire via their imagination or mental stimulation.

Does Daniel Radcliffe erect easily?

That is a personal question only Daniel would know.

How do you errect your nipples?

You can squeeze and pinch your nipples and they will become more erect.

What happens to a man after he snaps his banjo?

he can never become erect again

What is an erect shaft?

An erect shaft is a penis that has become hard or stiff. This normally happens when a man is aroused sexually or right after waking up in the morning.

Can a woman handle a 10 penis?

The average length of an erect penis is 5.57 inches.This is based on recent study involving many men. They measured their own erect penis. It was done this way because it is difficult for a man to become erect in front of another person he does not know. So a 10 inch penis is in an imaginary penis.

What does Viagra do for erections?

Viagra will increase blood flow to the penis, thus causing it to become erect.

What is a sentence using the word erect?

i actually do not have any ideal how to use the word erect in a sentence, i just wanted to answer and have my answer posted. But usually i will hear the word erect used in a x- rated sen. such as Is your d. i. c. k. erect yet. so your welcome

Why elderly people the ones who easily have fractures?

because as people get older their bones become more frail, so they then become easier to fracture and people become less stable so they fall more.

If Im 18 with a 5 inch penis is that small?

No, you are completely normal. Average size of an erect penis on an adult male is 4-6", so you are right in the big middle of normal.

What is the past tense of erect?

Erect is a regular verb so add -ed to make the past tenseerected.They erected the tent in record time.

Is it normal for your penis to become erect when you read sex articles?

Yes, it is, if the man is sexually aroused from the reading.