No Jackie Chan is not single.
Jackie Chan is not in Laos. Jackie is not from Laos. Jackie Chan is Chinese.
Jackie Chan invented his onscreen persona of "Jackie Chan".
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (Playstation) Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark hand (PC) Jackie Chan Adventures: Rely on Relic (PC) Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (PC) New Shaolin: Jackie Chan (Java) Jackie Chan: Martial Arts Legend (Facebook) Jackie Chan Xavix - J-Mat (Xavix) Jackie Chan PowerBoxing (Xavix) Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (Arcade) Jackie Chan - Fists of Fire (Arcade)
No Jackie Chan is Chinese
No Jackie Chan is not single.
Jackie Chan is not in Laos. Jackie is not from Laos. Jackie Chan is Chinese.
Jackie Chan is Chinese.
Jackie Chan invented his onscreen persona of "Jackie Chan".
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (Playstation) Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark hand (PC) Jackie Chan Adventures: Rely on Relic (PC) Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (PC) New Shaolin: Jackie Chan (Java) Jackie Chan: Martial Arts Legend (Facebook) Jackie Chan Xavix - J-Mat (Xavix) Jackie Chan PowerBoxing (Xavix) Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (Arcade) Jackie Chan - Fists of Fire (Arcade)
Jackie Chan's autobiography is "I am Jackie Chan. My Life in Action". He is currently working on a sequel called "I am still Jackie Chan."
Jackie Chan has two children.
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster. Jackie Chan's StuntmasterJackie Chan Stuntmaster
Jackie Chan is Chinese.
Jackie Chan is Chinese.
No. "I am not superman" - Jackie Chan
No Jackie Chan is Chinese