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Oh, not for any particular reason... only because he would kill all that is good in Middle Earth, decimate such magical places as the Shire, Buckland, Bree, Lothlorien, even Rivendell, send poor dear hobbits away in chains and slit the necks of peace-loving elves, torture the dwarves beyond imagination and send the noble men to the gallows, make himself to be the cruel and terrible king over Middle Earth, and slaughter all and any who dare to appose him. That's all.

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Q: Why should Sauron not be allowed to gain possession of The One Ring?
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How many rings were made by Sauron?

There was one ring ring created by Sauron. The ring was the Ring of Power. The ring Sauron created was to achieve his purpose.The ring of power was the great weakening of his power. He also lost this ring many ages ago.

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The ring has a consciousness of its own. The ring knew that Frodo was going to take it to be destroyed, whereas the one ring abandoned Gollum as it knew that Gollum would never return it to Sauron. The ring used Bilbo as a carrier or a vector.

Why did sauron create the ring?

To rule them all.

How did Sauron lose the master ring?

Gollum took it from him and Frodo pushed him into Mt Doom

What is the name of the1st Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Ring is Sauron, there is no other Lord. But the first ring bearer that was not Sauron was Isildur. The first Lord of the Rings book and movie is 'The Fellowship of the Ring.'

Who played Sauron in Lord of the Rings?

In the brief scenes with Sauron in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring, Sauron was played by Sala Baker. The Eye, of course, was computer-generated.

How was the ring made?

In the fires of Mount Doom by Sauron

How can Sauron be prevented from getting the One Ring?

By destroying it.

How did Sauron know that the ring was in the shire?

Gollum was captured by Sauron's forces who then tortured him until he told them about The Shire and Baggins.

Who got Sauron's rings?

After it was cut from Sauron's hand, the One Ring was owned by Isildur, Deagol, Gollum, Bilbo, and then Frodo Baggins, Tom Bombadil, and Sam, before its destruction. The three elven rings are owned by Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond. Four dwarven rings were destroyed by dragonfire. The remaining three have been recovered by Sauron. The nine rings given to men are in Sauron's possession. His control over the Nazgul is absolute; they do not need to wear them.

What was the problem in lord of the ring?

Sauron and the other creatures on the dark side try to get the ring.

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