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Q: Why under 12 years old cannot take charcoal tablet?
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How does a charcoal become a diamond?

A diamond forms deep in the Earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature conditions, where carbon atoms are arranged in a crystal lattice structure. This process takes millions of years. Charcoal, on the other hand, is a result of partially burned organic matter and does not undergo the same process as diamond formation.

Who cannot sign the consent form?

People under 18 years of age.

Can charcoal turn into coal?

Yes, charcoal is made by burning wood in a low-oxygen environment. Coal, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring fossil fuel formed from decaying plant matter under high pressure and heat over millions of years. While both charcoal and coal are carbon-based materials, they have different formation processes and chemical compositions.

Can you become bonded if you are under 18 years old?

No it is not possible. Until you are an adult, you cannot sign the appropriate contract.

Is charcoal a rock?

No, charcoal is not a rock. Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances through the process of combustion.

Which isotope is useful for dating wood and charcoal that is less than 75000 years old?

carbon- 14

Where can I get a large charcoal grill?

Big John 5' charcoal grills are sold on-line at both residential and commercial use. They can last a lifetime and the company has been in business for 47 years. They have a catalog available.

Can charcaol be used as refrigerator deodorizer?

Yes it can, I have had a bowl with charcoal in it in my fridge for 17 years. It works very well. The charcoal should be changed every month or two but don't throw it out, it still works fine for barbecues.

How soon after a discharged chapter 13 can a person file a chapter 7?

Under the bankruptcy law effective on October 17, 2005, Chapter 7 cannot be filed unless the debtor was discharged from the previous Chapter 7 or bankruptcy more than eight years ago. The debtor cannot file a Chapter 13 unless: (1) the debtor received a discharge under Chapter 7, 11 or 12 more than four years ago; or (2) the debtor received a discharge under Chapter 13 more than two years ago.

Can you make a mochiaccount after it knows you are under 13 years old?

You cannot make a Mochi account if it knows you are under 13 years old. In order to open a Mochi account, you will need an adult or another person over 13 to establish a credible account.

What group of American citizens cannot be elected president of the u.s?

Those citizens under 35 years of age, not a naturally-born US citizen, and not living in the US for at least 14 years.

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10,000 years ago, i think....