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She was Protestant

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Q: Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church?
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Who excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I from the Roman Catholic Church?

No one. Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII. King Henry couldn't have a son, so he broke away from the Roman Catholic church to form his own church, that allowed divorces. The Church of England was what Elizabeth was born into.

Were the French Catholic in Queen Elizabeth's times?

Yes, France was considered the eldest daughter of the Church and was a Catholic country at the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

Is Queen Elizabeth catholic?

No she is not Catholic. She is a member of the Anglican Church-in fact she is in charge of it as "defender of the faith"

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 against the catholic religion?

the pope headed the catholic church and elizabeth was a big supporter of Protestantism

Who combined the Catholic and protestant to come up with Anglican church?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo one, the Catholic Church cannot be "combined" with anything. The Anglican Church is a protestant church that was formed by Henry VIII as he left the Catholic Church and then it was established by Parliament under his daughter, Elizabeth I.

Is Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary II a catholic?

no she is the head of the Church of England (Episcopalian)

Was the religion of Queen Elizabeths 1st Catholic or prostant?

The reforms of the Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth I made it more Protestant.

Who Queen of England tried to restore the catholic church?

Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister. She burned many Protestants at the stake and forced her sister to attend Mass.

Was Queen Elizabeth a Catholic?


Should there be a catholic queen in Scotland?

Queen Elizabeth II is queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - which includes Scotland. Her religion is Church of England.

What was the name of the church that Queen Elizabeth I made?

The church that Queen Elizabeth I formed was called Elizabethan Church and was of Protestant faith.

Was Queen Elizabeth A Purtian?

Queen Elizabeth I was a Protestant, who worshipped in the Anglican Church set up by her father Henry VIII. Queen Elizabeth II, is also Anglican. No Roman Catholic, has been permitted to take the English Throne, since the 17th Century.