No She is not pregnant by Justin Bieber Why? 1. Because they were never going out 2. If she was pregnant you would see her stomach was big and fat on the new episodes on I Carly. There you have the answers she not pregnant by J.B (Justin Bieber)
Not anymore, they used to go out but not anymore because they broke up.
I don't think she is going out with either one of them.When she did the video Burning Up she became close friends but her and Nick have both denied when asked if they are going out .They say it's just a rumor.I haven't heard anything about her and Drew going out.
No, Selena Gomez is going out with Taylor Launter (Jacob Black from Twilight).
david is going out with selena gomez
No. In a book I read, Justin Bieber said that he loves Selena, but he would never marry her.
They are not going out. Check it out on and type in Selena calls Justin a dork.
she is now going out with Justin beiber
Yes, justin's still going out with selena gomez
No Justin Bieber will not propose to Selena Gomez because they are too young too get married!! I don't think Justin is going to propose to Selena because just because they are going out does not mean they are going to be engaged!!
jayson maber Selena no, hes going out with Selena Gomez - (same name)
I think Justin and Selena won't get married together!
No, Selena Gomez did not go out with Justin Bieber and IS not going out with him.
he's going out with Selena Gomez.
If u mean who is JUSTIN BIEBER going out with? well he is going out with selena gozmez even though JUSTIN BIEBER is 17 selena gozmez is 18....................
No they are not. Justin is dating Selena Gomez.
hes going out with Selena Gomez