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Related questions

Is an element composed of millions of identical atoms?

Yes, an element is composed of millions of identical atoms.

What is a substance with identical atoms?

an element

What is significance of the symbol of an element?

Sigificance of the Symbol of an Element :- 1. Symbol represents name of the element. 2. Symbol represents one atom of the element. 3. Symbol also represents one mole of atoms of the element. That is, symbol also represents 6.022 x 1023 atoms of the element. 4. Symbol represents a define mass of the element (equal to Atomic Mass expressed in grams).

What is matter composed of identical atoms?

Such a substance is always an element.

How is an element and a chemical symbol alike?

A chemical symbol represents an element. For example, the chemical symbol H represents the element hydrogen.

What does the letters in the boxes in the periodic table represents?

The letter (or letters) represents the abbreviation for that element, i.e. it represents the symbol used to represent that element.

Why isotopes of an element show identical chemical properties?

The number of electrons in isotopes is identical.

What chemical symbol 0 represents what element?

Chemical symbol O represents the element Oxygen. Oxygen is the 8th element in the periodic table.

What represents an element?


Dalton hypothesized that atoms are indivisible and that all atoms of an element are identical. It is now known that?

Because the existence of isotopes was discovered not all atoms of an element are identical.

What makes all atoms of an element the same?

atoms are of an element are the same becasue the are all made from identical particles. there is no way to distinguish one electron from another electron. the same is true for neutrons and protons. so by virtue of the fact that its constituents are identical, all atoms of the same element are identical.

What element is element B?

Chemical symbol B represents the element Boron. Boron is a p block element.