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Q: A small group of participants observed in a research study are referred to as the?
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If participants in the experimental group of a drug treatment study are much younger than participants in the control group the age of the research participants is aNo?

Confounding variable.

When participants research a topic and come together to discuss issues and present various points of view surrounding the topic is called a?

study group

What is the difference between participant selection and participant allocation?

Participant Selection:The process of selecting participants for research (also called sampling). The participants who are selected are used in the research are said to form the sample.Participant Allocation:After participants have been selected, they have to be allocated, or assigned to a group that may be used in the research study.

Being randomly assigned to the experimental group in a research project involves being assigned?

to the group in which participants are representative of people in general.

What research design in which neither the researchers performing the intervention nor the research subjects know whether they are in the control group or the active intervention group is?

A research design in which both the researchers and participants are unaware of who is in the control or intervention group is called a double-blind study. This design helps eliminate bias and placebo effects in research studies by ensuring that neither the researchers nor the participants can influence the results based on their knowledge of the group assignment. Double-blind studies are commonly used in medical and psychological research.

What is a group of scientists called?

A group of scientists is commonly referred to as a "team" or a "research group." These scientists typically work together on specific projects or studies within a particular field of research.

When participants research a topic and come together to discuss issues and presents various points of view surrounding the topic it is called a?

study group

What is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied?

A double-blind experiment is one where both the participants and the researchers are unaware of who belongs to the experimental or control group until after the study is completed. This helps eliminate bias in the results by ensuring that neither the participants' nor researchers' expectations influence the outcome.

When participants research a topic and come together to discuss issues and present various points of view surrounding the topic it is called a?

study group

Which research method is most appropriate if you are looking for a cause and effect relationship?

The most appropriate research method for establishing a cause-and-effect relationship is a randomized controlled trial. This experimental design involves randomly assigning participants to different groups, with one group receiving the treatment (cause) and another group serving as a control. By comparing the outcomes between the two groups, researchers can determine whether the treatment caused the observed effect.

How do you choose your control group?

Randomly choosing participants for the control group is effective. The reason for this is you could observe reactions of different participants in the control group.

In a research study participants should be assigned to groups using which methods?

Participants can be assigned to groups using random assignment, where each individual has an equal chance of being placed in any group, or through matched assignment, where participants are matched on key variables before being assigned to groups. Other methods include stratified random assignment, where participants are grouped based on specific characteristics before random assignment, and block randomization, where participants are assigned to groups in blocks to ensure equal group sizes.