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Please understand that EVOLUTION is not a true theory.Every SINGLE assumption and rule that evolution has put forward has been proved wrong ,not only by paleontological evidence ,but also by evidence from all divisions of science.

JUST think of it this way:

A changes to z very slowly through time .ok.But then,A has to pass through all 25 letters to get to Z.This means that WE SHOULD FIND More fossils of these INTERMEDIATE species rather than the complete organisms that have @evolved@.But in fact none exists.

Evolution is just a rumor that has been proven wrong but has been dragged out unnecessarily to the 21st century.

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The phrased used by Lamarck was "inheritance of acquired characteristics". This mechanism of evolution hypothesized by Lamarck is not accepted today.

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Q: According to lamarck how did species evolve?
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Who believed that species evolve by keeping traits that their parents developed during their lives?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

What was wrong about lamarck's theory of how species evolve?

Lamarck's theory is based on acquired characteristics. In other words if you break your arm your future children will be born with broken arms.

Who theorized that organisms evolve by passing on advantageous traits to their offspring?

Lamarck did. Neodarwinism theorises that species evolve when gene frequencies change, not individual organisms. Larmarkism is true for epigenetic inheritance, favourable and unfavourable characteristics alike.

Which idea did Lamarck propose that was rejected by fellow scientist?

That organisms pass on traits acquired in their lifetimes. It was rejected in favour of Darwinian evolution, in which species and not individuals evolve, but Larmarckism is valid to a point where epigenetics is concerned.

Stated that inheritance of acquired traits caused change in a species over time?

Lamarck thought acquired traits were past on, but he was prover wrong by Darwin and his natural selection idea.

Who was the first to offer a scientific explanation for how species changed?

Jean- Baptiste Lamarck

How did Lamarck propose that species change over time?

Lamarck proposed that by selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime. Then passed onto offspring-leading to change in species

Which idea did lamarck propose that was rejected by his fellow scientists?

That organisms pass on traits acquired in their lifetimes. It was rejected in favour of Darwinian evolution, in which species and not individuals evolve, but Larmarckism is valid to a point where epigenetics is concerned.

What can result in the immediate creation of a new species?

That depends on what you mean by 'immediate'. Drastic rates of evolution are possible in many species, where mutations are either relatively very common or where the environment results in harsh selection. But nothing will make one species "immediately" evolve into another in one generation, or even two or ten.

Does an individual a population or a species evolve?

Populations evolve.

Which scientist believed that species gradually improved towards perfection due to fluida?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

What were lamark's theories?

Lamarck's theory is that he thought that the long necks from giraffes come from other species of mammals.