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Q: Annelids are the first phylum to exhibit?
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Related questions

Which type of symmetry do annelids exhibit?

Annelids (such as earthworm and leeches) have bilateral symmetry.

What is a phylum of earthworms?


What phylum are earthworm a part of?

Phylum Annelida -- Class Oligochaeta

What phylum is the fanworm in?

worms are invertebrates and are annelids

What phylum is the lugworm?

Lugworms are annelids, so they therefore belong to the annelida phylum.

Are nematodes annelids?

Way different...Annilids are a phylum of the lophotrochozoa and nematodes are a phylum of ecdysozoa...

What phylum is a earth worm?

annelida aka annelids. it shares this phylum with leeches

Are worms echinoderms?

No. Earthworms are Annelids, diffetent phylum

What is the scientific name for annelids?

The scientific name for annelids is Annelida. This phylum includes organisms such as earthworms and leeches.

Are annelida protostome?

Yes, annelids belong to the protostome group of animals. Protostomes are a group of animals whose blastopore develops into the mouth first during embryonic development. Annelids, such as earthworms and leeches, exhibit characteristics consistent with protostome development.

Are earth worms considered insects?

No, they are not considered insects they are considered annelids and belong to that phylum.

What is annelid phylum?

The annelid phylum consists of segmented worms, which have bodies made up of repeated segments called metameres. Annelids typically have a fluid-filled cavity called a coelom that serves as a hydrostatic skeleton for movement. They can be found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments around the world.