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Because copper is a metal, then it is conductive.

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Q: Because copper is a metal then it is?
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Why is copper reduced to copper IN Benidict test?

Because its a metal

Is copper a ferrous metal or a non-ferrous metal?

Copper is a non-ferrous metal because it does not contain iron.

Does a metal penny last longer than a copper penny?

The question does not make sense because copper is a metal.

Is copper a metal non-metal or metalloid?

copper is a metal

Is copper transition metal?

Yes, copper is considered a transition metal because it exhibits multiple oxidation states and is typically located in the d-block of the periodic table.

Copper is a non-metal or metal?

Copper is a metal. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat, has a high density, and is malleable and ductile.

Why does saltwater turn blue when copper metal goes in it?

because copper dissolves in salt.

How do you know if copper is a non ferrous metal?

A magnet will not cling to copper because there is no iron in it.

Is hammering copper metal a physical or chemical change?

Hammering copper metal is a physical change because it alters the shape and appearance of the metal without changing its chemical composition.

State 2 reasons for stating that copper is a metal and sulphur is a non metal?

Copper is a metal because it is a good conductor of electricity and heat, and it has a shiny metallic luster. Sulphur is a non-metal because it is brittle, does not conduct electricity, and tends to form negative ions in chemical reactions.

Is copper a covalent or ionic bond?

Copper typically forms ionic bonds in compounds, such as in copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4). However, in elemental form, copper is a metal with metallic bonding between its atoms.

Is copper an non metal?

No, copper is a metal.