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Yes. Electromagnetic spectrum waves reach your eye through the air.

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Q: Can electromagnetic spectrum waves travel through air?
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Which ray does not belong in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound waves do not belong in the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium (such as air or water) to travel through, unlike the electromagnetic waves that can travel through a vacuum.

Sound is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum because?

it is a mechanical wave that requires a medium to travel through, like air, water, or solids. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, can travel through a vacuum, such as light traveling through space. This distinction is what separates sound from other forms of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Do infrared waves travel through a vacuum?

Yes, infrared waves can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a medium for propagation. This is because infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and all electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.

Can waves of the electromagnetic spectrum travel through a vacuum?

Yes, waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible light and radio waves, can travel through a vacuum. This is because electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate, unlike mechanical waves such as sound waves.

NOT one of the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound waves are not part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or solids, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.

How does communication travel from earth to the moon?

Through the electromagnetic spectrum, specifically radio waves.

What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves, including visible light, infrared, and ultraviolet radiation, can travel through a vacuum without the need for a medium to propagate.

Why is sound not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound is a mechanical wave that requires a medium, such as air or water, to propagate. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, do not require a medium and can travel through a vacuum. This fundamental difference in how they travel means that sound is not considered part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What wave is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound waves are not part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate, unlike electromagnetic waves which can travel through a vacuum.

Can electromagnetic spectrum waves travel through space?

Yes! that's how light from the sun gets to the Earth. Electromagnetic do not require a medium to travel through, they can even travel through a complete vacuum.

What are 3 examples of media that waves travel through?

Air: Sound waves travel through air and can be heard as sound. Water: Water waves travel through bodies of water like oceans, lakes, and rivers. Electromagnetic spectrum: Light waves, radio waves, microwaves, and other forms of electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum or various materials.

Does a electromagnetic spectrum consists of sound waves and light waves?

No, the electromagnetic spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves, which include light waves but not sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium, such as air or water, to travel, while electromagnetic waves do not require a medium and can travel through a vacuum.