

Can light travel through liquid

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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well that is a very complicated question and you can get very detailed on both sides of te argument but i would say no because float would mean it would float on air or another substance on to substance and it always travels the same way at the speed light and is not affected by gravity on earth or not gravvity in space

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14y ago

To varying degrees, of course it can. You can see through a glass of water, therefore the light must be passing through the water.

Different liquids will block different amounts and different types of light but most (very likely all...but I won't commit to that) will allow some light of some kind to pass through, at least if we count UV and the like.

So yes, light can very easily travel through liquid. Light will slow down through a liquid, however - an effect we know as refraction. This accounts for why partially submerged objects appear broken or distorted as they enter the water.

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