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Q: Carbon-14 is useful for dating fossils that are what?
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Carbon 14 is useful for dating fossils that are?

Carbon 14 dating is most useful for dating fossils that are up to 50,000 years old. Beyond this time frame, the amount of C-14 left in the fossil is too minimal to provide accurate dating results.

A researcher who uses carbon dating on anciet items?

The half life of C14 is about 5700 years, so items that are a few multiples of this time are suitable for carbon14 dating. Most archaeological items are suitable, and some young fossils.

What do scientists use to determine a fossil's relative age?

Carbon14 dating (isotopic dating)

In what ways are fossils useful to geologists?

In what ways are fossils useful to geologist?

What Limitations are there of using carbon14 to date rocks?

The main limitations of using Carbon14 dating to find the age of something that is carbon base are firstly the possibility that carbon may be absorbed by some things making it more difficult to get an absolutely accurate age and secondly, with Carbon14 only having a half life of 5,568 years the maximum theoretical limit for detection is 100,000 years.

What is the connection between fossils and half-life dating?

The connection between fossils and half- life dating is that half-life dating is to determined how old the fossil is

Why would uranium-238 not be useful in determining the age of a spear that is thought to be 5000 years old?

Uranium dating is useful for long periods of time - e.g. 109 years. For fossils is recommended the method with 12C.

What fossils are useful in determining the relative age of rocks?

Index fossils

What is an example of absolute dating?


True or False Fossils may be dated by either the relative dating method which determines the relative order of fossils or by the absolute dating method which uses radioactive isotopes?

True. Fossils can be dated using both relative dating methods, which determine the sequence of events in which fossils occurred, and absolute dating methods, which rely on radioactive isotopes to calculate the age of fossils.

How is fossils useful?

they are useful for alot of things like petrol

Why are sedimentary rocks useful to scientists'?

Mainly because the fossils of plants and animals preserved in the sediment layers allow dating of events that happened before humans existed.